    Thank you for contacting.
    If you are looking for the job in Japan,
    please answer below.

    We will contact you as soon as possible
    ご連絡がない場合、Cheche Serranoにお問い合わせください。
    If you are in hurry, please contact Cheche Serrano.

    からさき国際人材エージェント株式会社 KARASAKI Intel. Human Resources Agent Co. Ltd.

    Company name(じぎょうしょ):

    *は必須入力項目です。 Required input field

    名前 (なまえ) Name*
    Please fill in your full name below.

    住所 (じゅうしょ)Adress*
    Please fill in your current address below.

    郵便番号(ゆうびんばんごう)zip code:
    (Half-width character)



    番地(ばんち)street address:

    建物名(たてものめい)Building name:

    最寄り駅 (もよりえき) The closest station from your house.*
    Please fill in the closest station from your house below.

    ビザ (Visa)*
    What type of visa do you have?

    現在のお仕事 Current job*

    Please fill in current or previous job description below.

    希望するお仕事 Desired job*

    年齢 Age

    性別(せいべつ) Sex*

    国籍(こくせき) Nationality*

    日本語取得レベル Japanese ability*
    Please check the box, how can you read and write in Japanese.

    電話番号(電話番号)Telephone number

    メールアドレス Mail Adress*

    Facebook連絡先 Facebook account
    please fill in your Facebook account below.

    引っ越し可否Mooving house*
    If you will get a job, can you move into a new apartment? Please check below.

    Resume, Residence card, JLPT, Prometric
    If you have it, please upload here.

    file upload

    Please agree to the terms of use below before sending.

    terms of service

    The application form can only be used by those who have read and agreed to the following terms of use. In addition, by using the application form, you are deemed to have agreed to the contents of these terms of use.

    Please be sure to fill in the fields designated as "required" on the application form.

    KARASAKI INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RESOURCES AGENCY CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") strives to respond promptly to applications that we deem appropriate to respond to, but does not promise to respond or to respond within a certain period of time. Even if we do not respond to your application or if the response does not meet your wishes, we will not disclose the reason or bear any other obligation or responsibility.

    Our company will not be liable for any damages incurred by the user as a result of using the application form. Please use the application form at your own risk.

    Our company will handle personal information provided in connection with the application form appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use set forth in the privacy policy of this website.

    It is strictly prohibited to use the application form to solicit or conduct sales activities against our company or our employees, or for any other purpose deviating from the purpose of the inquiry.

    Our company may change these terms of use without notice as necessary. If these terms of use are changed, the changed terms of use will apply.